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Dentistry News From Medical News Today

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Showa Hanko 2, The Robotic Doll To Train Dentists

I remember when I was a dental student, way back in 1988-89, we used a mannequin to practice doing fillings on patients. Later we were shifted to a special lab, where we had a more sophisticated mannequin with a head attached along with a dentist's chair to simulate the exact positions as of a dental clinic. Now, more than a decade later, Japan has come out with a robotic doll called Showa Hanko2, which is very life-like and will be used to train the dentists in the future.

What is unique about this doll is that it will respond in a manner that is very similar to humans during a dental procedure. This feature will make a world of a difference to the practical training that is being offered to the dentists. The Showa Hanko2 robot is being created by researchers in Japan at the Showa University. 

According to the news reports, the robot will also be provided with a voice recognition feature. What's more, after the dental procedure has been completed it will have the ability to store the performance of the dental student that can be accessed online later as well.

Showa Hanko2 Robotic Doll To Train Dentists in Japan

The Showa Hanko2 robot is likely to be marketed sometime later this year, in Japan.

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Theresa Wiza said...

I'd rather see dentists practice on a doll first rather than humans, though my teeth are so bad, I wouldn't mind acting as a stand-in if the doll should be unavailable.

kanwarpriya said...

@Theresa Wiza,

Thanks a lot for the comment, as you are the first one to do so on this Blog.

Yes, in most dental schools the dental students are made to practice their skills on a mannequin before they try their drill on real teeth. So, mostly you are safe..:-)) Nothing to fear, I assure you!